Getting your new puppy groomed.

  • We recommend to start grooming at home. This includes: Touching ears, paw pads, tail, legs, and body. Using a hair dryer on their face and legs and paws is a great tool at home to try and get your puppy used to the loud sounds and noises. Using a cold spoon on the bottom of your puppies paw pads and in-between their digits help replace the feeling of clippers on them. A toothbrush is also a great tool to use to mimic clippers. Use this on their feet, face, toes, legs, tail, and anywhere else a clipper would go. Do this until they can go to the groomer which is usually at 16-20 weeks old. Don’t stop doing this, this prepares them well for what is to come next.

  • We recommend starting grooming early as 16-20 weeks old because it will help them in the long run to learn to behave at the groomers and learn to adjust in different situations that might be uncomfortable.

    Bringing in your puppy after their vaccine regime is complete even if it is to just get their nails clipped can prepare them to be the best pup they can be.

  • Being a groomer as my other job that I absolutely love, bringing your pet in every 4-7 weeks is the best and your groomer will be very appreciative that you would also consider being on a reoccurring schedule. Being on a reoccurring schedule insures that your dog will be groomed in a timely manner. Usually there are long wait lists to go to the groomer.

  • The average DOODLE is a HIGH MAINTENIANCE BREED. There is a lot of brushing and combing involved in owning a poodle mix. Ideally brushing and combing at least 3-4x a week 15-30 minutes a day can help minimize mats. There is a technique called “Line Brushing” on Youtube which is a great tool and resource to learn how to help brush your pup. Using a brush and a comb, (Chris Christensen Big K) is a slicker brush you will need along with a fine-medium tooth comb. I will link these in the “forms” tab.

    ** Mats are densely tangled clumps of hair.

    ** ALL DOGS SHED. yes, even the doodles.

  • Do you need help with finding a groomer in your area? don’t hesitate to ask! I am more than willing to help you and your puppy on the right track.